sabato 5 maggio 2012


 Yuta is a Detective Boy / Azone Pure Neemo
Yuuta's reading a detective novel (close up)
Size: XS
Gender:  male
Birthday: April, 24
Info: he’s calm and loves study, but he can show a very strong will. His BFF is Aoto and they like to go outside exploring new places…he wants to become Ciel’s friend too, but he’s too shy to ask him. He and Hime-chan are very close and they’re used to read stories together till late in the night.
Likes: Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple, Detective Conan and everything that’s related to misteries and detectives’ stories (he doesn’t mind if he’s under-aged for some of these)
Sibling: Himeno, his big sister
Favorite Color:  “a boy doesn’t care about these things”
Favorite Food: fish’n’chips
Yuta in the park (close up)

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